Release: 02.04.2024

Brüssel sehen und sterben
Brüssel sehen und sterben Zusatzmaterial
Brüssel sehen und sterben Zusatzmaterial

TO SEE BRUSSELS AND DIE – Losing My Faith at the European Parliament

  • Current, incisive, contentious: abuse of power and corruption in Brussels.
  • An exclusive insight into the engine room of the EU from one of Germany's most distinguished satirists.

An exclusive look into the machinery of the EU – just in time for the June 2024 election

The European Parliament – a brilliant idea. Unfortunately, in reality, it is a joke, and a very bad one at that. Nico Semsrott honestly and humorously recounts his experiences from five years in the European Parliament. He discusses the senseless commuting between Brussels and Strasbourg, which embodies everything that defines the core of the Parliament: wastefulness, tragedy, and nonsense. He talks about greedy parliamentarians who do not hesitate to exploit their ridiculous privileges and constantly line their own pockets. And he shares his exhausting self-experiment of attending countless lobby events in Brussels to gorge himself for free without engaging in small talk. Because he quickly realizes that in a place where justice and trust are desperately needed, corruption is rarely punished but mostly rewarded.

Nico Semsrott took on the "strangest job in the world" as an idealist to save his last ideals, but he voluntarily ends his political career. It is depressing, but at least he no longer has to consider anyone or anything else. A tragicomic and insightful account from the depths of the European Parliament.

"The EU is in a deep crisis – and so am I." Nico Semsrott

Contact Foreign Rights
  • Publisher: Rowohlt Taschenbuch
  • Release: 02.04.2024
  • 352 pages
  • ISBN: 978-3-499-01410-9
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Brüssel sehen und sterben

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Marvin Ruppert

Nico Semsrott

Nico Semsrott, born in 1986 in Hamburg, has consistently failed upwards in his role as a demotivation trainer turned comedian. As the "saddest comedian in the world", he has practiced how to engage audiences in depressing topics through poetry slams, solo performances, and YouTube videos. And because there is nothing more depressing than politicians doing satire, he decided to counterattack and become a politician-satirist. In the 2019 European Parliament election, Semsrott successfully entered the European Parliament.