Dragonbound Vol. 2

  • English sample translation of vol. 1 available.
  • More than 60,000 copies of vol. 1 were sold.
  • The breathtaking 2. vol. for readers who love (slightly) dark, sensual and exciting fantasy romance.
  • Topics: dragons, magic, forbidden love, secret identity, enemies to lovers, fated mates, fighting a suppressive system, impossible love, betrayal, fate

Additional sales information:

  • 150,000 copies sold of Marie Niehoff's fantasy debut Vampire Royals (Vol. 1+2). Rights were sold to: the Czech Republic, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Ukraine.
  • Vampire Royals Vol.1 and 2 were on the Spiegel bestseller list (Vol. 2 was on #1), Vol. 1 was nominated for the TikTok Award.

A dragon sacrifices nothing, least of all its freedom.

Cassim, branded as a traitor, would have stopped at nothing to free himself and the other dragon shifters from the oppressive rule of the King of Eldeya, unfazed by the crimes he must commit. Initially viewing his rider, Yessa, merely as a tool, Cassim's plans falter as their relationship evolves from enemies to something profound. Now his love for Yessa could potentially cost him everything, as staying with her endangers his life, while leaving her defies the gods' will. With other members of Eldeya's army becoming suspicious and hunting for the traitor, Cassim's secrets teeter on the brink of exposure. He must prioritize his mission above his burgeoning emotions, and if Yessa uncovers the full extent of his deeds, the price of forgiveness might be beyond reach.

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Hungary - Könyvmolyképző

  • Publisher: Rowohlt Taschenbuch
  • Release: 15.04.2025
  • ISBN: 978-3-499-01414-7
  • 416 Pages
  • Series: Die Dragonbound-Trilogie
  • Author: Marie Niehoff

Please be advised that the book cover may be used in its original design only. Details and distortions are not permitted under copyright law.

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Marie Niehoff

Marie Niehoff , geboren 1996, hegt schon seit ihrer Kindheit eine Faszination für fantastische Geschichten. Diesen darf vor allem eines nicht fehlen: Romantik. Wenn sie nicht gerade schreibt, malt sie, kreiert Moodboards, kümmert sich um ihre unzähligen Zimmerpflanzen oder legt Tarotkarten. Ihr Fantasy-Debüt, «When The King Falls», stieg unmittelbar nach Erscheinen auf die SPIEGEL-Bestsellerliste ein. Band 2, «The Queen Will Rise», erreichte sogar Platz 1. Auch «Burning Crown», der erste Band ihrer neuen Dragonbound-Trilogie, ist ein Spiegel-Nr.1-Bestseller. Ihre Bücher wurden mittlerweile in sieben Sprachen übersetzt. Auf Instagram und TikTok ist sie unter @marienie.schreibt zu finden.