HEART'S EYE – Discovering Yourself Within
- Discover self-love through the German Diversity Award winner.
- Uniting life guidance and inclusion for the first time.
Do you ever feel lonely in a crowded party?
In everyday life, we increasingly numb ourselves with various activities, distancing ourselves further from our true selves. Self-doubt and inner critics thrive in this environment. In her book, Lina Maria Pietras shows us that we can only find ourselves within, not externally, and that seeing with the heart is far more important than seeing with the eyes. With just four percent of her vision, she confidently and self-determinedly navigates life. She lives inclusion and helps others as a coach to listen more to their own needs rather than seeking external approval. At the same time, the author impressively demonstrates that self-discovery and pressure are not good partners. In Herzauge, we learn how to effortlessly develop strategies for tough times, build healthy relationships, love ourselves more, and be less harsh on ourselves.
- Publisher: Rowohlt Taschenbuch
- Release: 16.04.2024
- 224 pages
- ISBN: 978-3-499-01419-2
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