Release: 17.10.2023

Welt in Aufruhr
Welt in Aufruhr Zusatzmaterial
Welt in Aufruhr Zusatzmaterial

Sample Translations

WORLD IN TURMOIL – The Order of Powers in the 21st Century

Sample Translations

  • A sharp geopolitical analysis on the emerging developments, fractures and transformations we are currently facing.
  • 70,000 copies sold and Spiegel bestseller since publication!
  • English sample translation available.
  • Rights for previous titles were sold to 19 countries.

How will the world order of the 21st century look like?

Since the withdrawal of Western forces from Afghanistan and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, it has become clear that the existing order has come to an end. How will the world reorganize itself, and what will it look like in the 21st century?
Enforcing a world order based on values and norms exceeds the capabilities of the West. The United States, once considered the "world police," is retreating despite international engagements; the United Nations, which was also expected to play this role, is hindered by self-blockades. And Europeans are simply not capable of guarding a world order. This creates a precarious and risky situation.

In this thought-provoking geopolitical analysis, Herfried Münkler reveals where the future conflict lines will be drawn. There is much to suggest that a new system of regional spheres of influence will emerge, dominated by five major powers. What are the dangers and opportunities of this new order? Will it be a balanced power equilibrium or chaos? And how should Europe and Germany behave in the expected global conflicts? This is an exciting and groundbreaking outlook on power constellations in the 21st century.

"Herfried Münkler puts it plainly: Europe must draw the consequences of the U-turn in world politics as quickly as possible." Wirtschaftswoche

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Sample Translations
  • Publisher: Rowohlt Berlin
  • Release: 17.10.2023
  • 528 pages
  • ISBN: 978-3-7371-0160-8
Cover Download Welt in Aufruhr
Welt in Aufruhr

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Reiner Zensen

Herfried Münkler

Herfried Münkler, born in 1951, is a professor of political science at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Many of his books are considered seminal works, such as Die Deutschen und ihre Mythen (2009), which won the Leipzig Book Fair Prize, as well as Der große Krieg (2013), Die neuen Deutschen (2016), Der Dreißigjährige Krieg (2017) and Marx, Wagner, Nietzsche (2021). They all spent months on the Spiegel bestseller list. Herfried Münkler has received many awards, including the Science prize of the Aby Warburg Foundation and the Carl Friedrich von Siemens Fellowship.