• The book against sadness and melancholy, to tear out and let go.
  • The international TikTok bestseller sold ca. 100,000 copies (German and English editions altogether).
  • English and French manuscripts available.

You do not always have to be happy. Sadness, anger, disappointment, worries – all these feelings are valid and important for us. What went wrong today or in the past? What still lingers and makes you sad? It is perfectly okay to feel unhappy, overwhelmed, to face fears, or to have unresolved experiences.

The Sadness Book is for everyone who wants to vent their frustrations and problems through writing. Your own worries can be easily put down on paper, then torn out, burned, or thrown away. In the second half of the book, after releasing negative emotions, there is space for beautiful thoughts. Young TikToker Elias Baar sparked an international trend online with his Sadness Book. And now it is available in bookstores.

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Hungary - Bioenergetic | Italy - Newton Compton | the Netherlands - Unieboek/Het Spectrum I Poland - Otwarte | Portugal - Porto Editora | Russland - Alpina | Spanien - PRH GE/ Plaza & Janés | Taiwan - Fine Press/ Eurasian Publishing 

  • Publisher: Rowohlt Taschenbuch
  • Release: 13.06.2023
  • ISBN: 978-3-499-01402-4
  • 192 Pages
  • Author: Elias Baar

Please be advised that the book cover may be used in its original design only. Details and distortions are not permitted under copyright law.

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Elias Baar

Elias Baar , born in 2002 in Göppingen, completed high school in 2021 and has been devoted to writing ever since. In 2022, he published his first book, The Sadness Book , which quickly became an international hit after gaining popularity on TikTok. Now, it is finally available in bookstores. Through his works, he has already reached and inspired millions of people online.