Release: 13.09.2018

Sample Translations


Sample Translations

The second half of your life will be better than you think!

When we reach the halfway point in our lives, many sometimes start feeling tired and listless. Stress seems to be needling us from all sides, with our jobs, our kids and even our parents all taking their toll. Meanwhile, the first irrevocable signs of ageing start to mar our bodies. But is it all just downhill from 40? Emphatically not, say Eckart von Hirschhausen and Tobias Esch, two doctors who are convinced that the opposite is true!

Most people feel better about themselves in the second half of their lives, they argue. This book records an inspiring dialogue between two physicians that documents their search for the kind of happiness that grows with experience, maturity and wisdom. Along the way they talk about new role models, discuss the latest scientific thinking while linking back to their own (ample) life experience. The result is nothing less than a little miracle: readers of this book will start looking forward to getting older!

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Sample Translations
  • Publisher: Rowohlt E-Book
  • Release: 13.09.2018
  • 288 pages
  • ISBN: 978-3-644-00237-1
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Die bessere Hälfte

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Steffen Jänicke

Dr. med. Eckart von Hirschhausen

Dr. med. Eckart von Hirschhausen, born in 1967, studied medicine and journalism. For fifteen years, he’s been a fixture on German stages as a cabaret artist, speaker and author. He is known for his incisive wit coupled with thorough advice. Under the banner “Humour can heal” he founded the German Red Nose Day and helps arrange hospital visits by clowns. His bestselling titles The Liver Grows with Its Tasks, Happiness Rarely Comes Alone and Miracles Work Wonders sold more than 5 million copies, making him one of the most successful authors in Germany.


Tobias Esch

Prof. Dr. med. Tobias Esch was born in 1969. He was a pioneer figure in holistic medicine and an expert in the neurobiology of happiness. During his career he made vital contributions to integrative approaches to preventive health care and is a guest professor at Harvard Medical School as well as an associate researcher in neuroscience at State University of New York. Since 2016, he worked as a lecturer and researcher at the University of Witten/Herdecke. His most recent book was Der Selbstheilungscode.