• Tailored for family life, this book offers practical tips from experienced mothers!
  • 2 million copies of Dominik Spenst's journals sold worldwide!
  • Rights to Das 6-Minuten-Tagebuch were sold to 20 countries!

More ease and calm in the busy life of parenting.

Every mom can relate: never-ending to-do lists, sleep deprivation, exhaustion, constant stress, worries, and the feeling of always running behind instead of shaping everyday life. Many moms are only familiar with "me-time" or "self-care" from pretty social media posts while scrolling through Instagram right before bed. This is where the proven, scientifically backed concept of the 6-Minuten-Tagebuch comes in: in just a few minutes a day, it helps reduce stress, banish negative thoughts, increase resilience, and boost self-esteem – benefits that not only improve the mom's well-being but also positively impact the entire family. 

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the Netherlands - Unieboek/Het Spectrum I Russia - Alpina

  • Publisher: Rowohlt Taschenbuch
  • Release: 15.04.2025
  • ISBN: 978-3-499-01663-9
  • 288 Pages
  • Authors: Dominik SpenstSevnur Acar-Spenst

Please be advised that the book cover may be used in its original design only. Details and distortions are not permitted under copyright law.

Dominik Spenst Sevnur Acar-Spenst THE 6-MINUTE DIARY FOR MOMS
© privat
Dominik Spenst

Dominik Spenst , born in 1988, is a bestselling author, entrepreneur, and habit expert. After a serious accident, he spent four months in the hospital and, from this transformative experience, developed the world's most successful gratitude journal,  Das 6-Minuten-Tagebuch. Together with his team, he specializes in scientifically based and easily applicable journals that help users bring more mindfulness and personal development into their lives. His 6-Minute Books now enrich the lives of 2 million people in 20 languages. Dominik lives in Berlin with his wife and son.

Bild von Sevnur Acar-Spenst
Sevnur Acar-Spenst

Sevnur Acar-Spenst (Jg. 1992), ist Mitgründerin des  6-Minuten-Verlags  und eine der entscheidenden Kräfte hinter den millionenfach verkauften  6-Minuten-Tagebüchern® .    Als studierte Designerin mit einer Leidenschaft für positive Psychologie verbindet sie Funktionalität mit Ästhetik – und entwickelt seit Jahren Bücher, die Menschen weltweit dabei unterstützen, ihr Wohlbefinden aktiv zu gestalten. Bislang wirkte sie vor allem im Hintergrund, als Konzepterin, Lektorin und Mitgestalterin der Bestseller – mit dem «6-Minuten-Tagebuch für Mamas» tritt sie nun in den Vordergrund. Sevnur lebt mit ihrem Sohn und ihrem Mann Dominik Spenst in Berlin .