15-year-old Paulina is left alone at home when her mother is sent to a health spa for treatment for a few weeks. Paulina carries on as usual, going to school and working to help pay her way. But then social services get suspicious: should a child be allowed to live like an adult? When she takes in Blues, a boy from a children’s home, she’s crossing a line; Paulina is to be put under supervision. Adults seem to live by their moral standards, yet Paulina has only her dreams.

Contact Foreign Rights
  • Publisher: Rowohlt Taschenbuch
  • Release: 01.10.1978
  • ISBN: 978-3-499-20191-2
  • 160 Pages
  • Author: Dagmar Kekulé

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Dagmar Kekulé I AM A CLOUD
Bild von Dagmar Kekulé
Dagmar Kekulé

Dagmar Kekulé war als Erzieherin tätig, als Schauspielerin, machte Kurzfilme und schreibt heute Drehbücher, Thriller und Jugendbücher. Die Autorin lebt in München.